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Born in Navàs, he begins his singing lessons with maestro Jorge Sirena, after having being trained in music at the School of Music Mestre Josep Maria Castella, in Navàs, and after taking part in the choruses Polifonica de Puig-Reig, Chorus of the Faculty of Pharmacy (Universitat de Barcelona) and the chorus of Opera Sabadell.

He was awarded in several internationally renowned singing competitions like Neue Stimmen, in Gütersloh, Germany (2022), or Concurs Internacional de Cant Tenor Viñas, Barcelona (2017), Concurso Internacional de Canto Alfredo Kraus, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (2018), Concurso Internacional de Canto Francisco Araiza, in Hermosillo, México (2017), and also other local competitions like Concurs Internacional de Música de Les Corts (2016), Germans Pla de Balaguer (2016) or Concurs Mirna Lacambra (2015 i 2016). He was also acclaimed by the critics and the specialized press, being awarded with the Opera Actual Young artist prize in 2018, a renowned Spanish magazine. Additionally, in 2022, he received the Ópera XXI Association Award for Best Young Performer of the Year for his portrayal of Papageno in The Magic Flute, a production by the Ópera de Oviedo.

In 2018, he took part in the prestigious Accademia Rossiniana, Alberto Zedda – Pesaro, Italy internationally acclaimed as one of the most refined and specialized trainings in the interpretation of the music of their local composer, G. Rossini. He also took part in the young artist program at the Staatsoper Under den Linden in Berlin, in the seasons 2021/2022 i 2022/2023, theater in which he is a member of the singers' ensemble from the season 2024/25.

This all took him to perform in the greatest theaters, like Gran Teatre del Liceu, or Teatro Real in Madrid, or Palau de les Arts in València, Teatro Campoamorin Oviedo, Teatro Pérez Galdós in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Palau de la Música in Barcelona, Auditorio Alfredo Kraus in Las Palmas, Teatre Principal de Maó in Menorca, but also in renowed international theaters, like Teatro Rossini in Pesaro or Staatsoper Unter den Linden in Berlin, Opernhaus Zürich, Teatro Colón in Buenos Aires, among others.

His repertoire includes a large repertoire of roles, in which we highlight Conte Almaviva (Le Nozze di Figaro), title role in Don Giovanni, Guglielmo (Così fan tutte), others like Papageno (Die Zauberflöte), Dottore Malatesta (Don Pasquale), Enrico Ashton (Lucia di Lammermoor), Sharpless (Madama Butterfly), Schaunard (La Bohème), and a special predilection for the operas of G. Rossini, starting with the venetian ‘farsa’, like Batone (L’inganno felice), Blansac i Germano (La scala di seta), Slook (La cambiale di matrimonio) or also roles that are performed more often, like Dandini (La Cenerentola), Lord Sidney i Antonio (Il Viaggio a Reims).

He also took part in simfonic concerts and oratorium, like for example Lyric Symphony from A. von Zemlinsky, Carmina Burana from C. Orff, Mozart’s Requiem or Beethoven’s 9th Symphony and, taking advantage of his versatility, he also appeared in different performances for those who just discovered the world of the opera, like Simfonova – ‘The opera’s buzz’, ‘Opera, what are you talking about?’ and ‘Opera is medicine’ invented by Marcel Gorgori or the performance Papà Mozart, sharing stage with the renowed spanish actors Joan Pera and Roger Pera.

Taking in consideration the upcoming engagements, we will hear him at the Staatsoper Unter den Linden in Berlin, at the Gran Teatre del Liceu, also at the Palau de les Arts de València, or at the Teatro Real de Madrid, among others.


12 Oct 2024
Manon - Massenet
Les Arts - València, Spain
All dates: 3, 6, 9, 12 & 15 September (2024)
27 Oct 2024
Die Frau ohne Schatten - Strauss
Staatsoper Unter den Linden - Berlin, Germany
All dates: 27, 30 October and 3, 6, 9 November (2024)
14 Nov 2024
Die Zauberflöte - Mozart
Staatsoper Unter den Linden - Berlin, Germany
All dates: 14, 17, 21 November, 3, 12, 20, 23, 25, 29 December (2024) and 3 January (2025)
19 Jan 2025
Der Rosenkavalier - Strauss
Staatsoper Unter den Linden - Berlin, Germany
All dates: 19, 22, 25, 30 January and 1 February (2025)
20 Feb 2025
Madama Butterfly - Puccini
Staatsoper Unter den Linden - Berlin, Germany
All dates: 20, 23, 26 February and 1, 7, 9 March (2025)
16 Mar 2025
The excursions of Mr. Brouček - Janáček
Staatsoper Unter den Linden - Berlin, Germany
All dates: 16, 20, 27, 29 March and 3 April (2025)
28 May 2025
Elisir d'amore - Donizetti
Garsington Opera Festival - Wormsley Estate, United Kingdom
All dates: 28 May, 1, 7, 12, 14 June, 9, 11, 13, 15, 18, 21 July (2025)


